**Remember that undocumented students include people from ALL backgrounds, including Latin Americans, Asian and Pacific Islanders, and people in the African, Black, and Caribbean diaspora, etc...
Point them to the right Resources on Campus! --> Direct them to the Monarch Center in Koligian Library 127.
The Monarch Center Provides... Resources for Undocumented Students!
In addition to free snacks and testing materials, they provide:
Opportunities Fellowship Program
Free cap and gown for Graduation
Undocu Scholars Academy
Legal Support
External Scholarships
Professional development support
Launch and Drive
...and so much more!
Student Success Funds/Emergency Funds can be used to pay for:
Legal fees
Medical fees
Buying books
**Application should be submitted before every 15th of the month through the Monarch Center Website.
Use Proper Language:
Instead of Saying...
- Illegal immigrant/alien
- Illegal
- Wetback/Racial slurs
- No person is inherently “illegal.”
- Dehumanizing and criminalizing.
- Indicates a history of violence, discrimination, and oppression.
- Reinforces harmful stereotypes and justifies mistreatment.
Use these Preferred Terms...
Undocumented person/people
- Mixed-status
- Neutral and humanizing.
- Focuses on the situation, not the identity.
- Emphasizes the temporary nature of documentation when some individuals have documentation and others do not.
For more information, please visit the Monarch Center in KL 127 or their website at undoc.ucmerced.edu