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Meet the GCRC Staff

Meet our Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Staff!

The Graduate Cultural Resource Center is comprised of student staff, also known as the Scholar Coordinators. The student staff manage the cultural space, organize events and programs for diverse cultural communities, and serve as the primary point of contact to all the resource center needs. 

Scholar Coordinators

Alexandra Moore (She/Her/Hers)

GCRC Scholar Coordinator

Hello everyone, my name is Alexandra Moore! I'm a fourth year Sociology major and I can't wait to learn about all the different cultures and lifestyles of my fellow bobcats. I'm also a member of the Campus Activities Board. It's my last year here, but UC Merced will always have a special place in my heart. I wish you all the best this year! 

Jay Retuta (He/Him/His)

GCRC Scholar Coordinator

I am a 4th year cognitive science major from Delano, CA. Outside of academics, I am also the executive chairperson for the Pilipinx-American Alliance here on campus and I enjoy educating others about my culture as well as encouraging them to learn more about their own.